You have a monstera deliciosa, but what’s next? Here are a bunch of monstera types I have that you can add to your houseplant collection!
9 monstera types to add to your houseplant collection!
If you’re a houseplant hobbyist, you have probably heard of the monstera deliciosa plant. And you might even have one—or have had one at some point! My monstera deliciosa is one of the plants I’ve had for the longest, so it has a special place in my collection.
But at some point, when you’ve had your deliciosa for a while, you might be wondering what other varieties of monstera plants are out there. And there are a ton of monstera types in the genus! Not all are suitable for houseplant life, but there are many that are.
So today I’m going to be doing what I did a few weeks ago with my philodendron varieties roundup. Today, I’m rounding up all of the monstera varieties I own! I will update this post at the inevitable juncture that I get more monsteras, too 😉
1. Monstera Deliciosa
First up is the timeless, amazing, stunning monstera deliciosa. Monstera deliciosa, also often referred to as a “swiss cheese” plant, is a stunning plant that can reach impressive sizes. Even while living indoors as a houseplant!
I first got my monstera deliciosa off a clearance shelf. It was covered in bird poop. And now, years later, it remains one of my most favorite plants. It got so big a few years ago that I had to make a DIY jute pole (moss pole alternative) to stake it up.
No matter how many plants I get—common or unique—my deliciosa remains one of my most favorites. Here are a few pictures of the first monstera variety I ever brought home! Read my monstera deliciosa care guide for more—then check out my guide for how to propagate monstera deliciosa cuttings.
2. Monstera Adansonii
Once you’re ready to venture beyond monstera deliciosa, you’ll likely end up getting your hands on a monstera adansonii. This one is often referred to as a “swiss cheese” plant because of its holes and growth pattern.
Much like the monstera deliciosa, the monstera adansonii is widely available at both local garden centers and in independent nurseries. You can grow it as a trailing or climbing plant, and it’s easy to take care of.
For more, check out the monstera adansonii care guide I wrote a few years ago—I also have a post on how to propagate monstera adansonii cuttings.
3. Monstera Karstenianum (Peru)
Monstera Karstenianum, more commonly referred to as Monstera Peru, is another variety that is increasing in popularity. This is due to a recent large grower in the United States beginning to produce this plant under the name “Green Galaxy.”
You can grow Monstera Peru as a climber or a viner. But in my experience, it’s leaf size is the most impressive when you grow it attached to a moss pole or something similar. Learn more about Monstera Peru care and propagation with my post.
4. Monstera Pinnatipartita
Monstera Pinnatipartita is a somewhat rare variety of the genus. And it looks an awful lot like the Monstera Peru as well. But only in the juvenile form of the plant.
Once the pinnatipartita begins to mature, it will begin developing splits/fenestrations in its leaves. It kind of reminds me of a cross between the Peru and the Adansonii. For more, see my Monstera Pinnatipartita care guide.
5. Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata
You thought I would save this one for last, didn’t you?! I like to keep things interesting, so I am including one of the most highly sought after types of monsteras at number 5 in a list of 9. Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata, otherwise known as “albo monstera.”
This is a type of monstera deliciosa with an extremely gorgeous but also extremely unstable varietgation. This one can’t be grown from seed…and all plants in existence are actually children of the first albo monstera mother plant to have the variegation.
Learn more about the Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata and how to root cuttings with my guide. Yes, I do have one! It’s small, but it’s lovely 🙂
6. Monstera Dubia
My first Monstera Dubia, I killed. So when I saw a decent-sized plant for pretty cheap at a random nursery, I snagged it! And my plant is going super strong. It’s one of my favorite monstera types.
This one grows flat in a shingle-like pattern and will develop progressively larger leaves as it climbs a board or branch. For more on this cool variety, check out my Monstera Dubia care and propagation guide.
7. Monstera Standleyana
Monstera Standleyana is one of my more recent additions to my monstera collection. I love the white marbled and flecked variegation on this one. It’s a great alternative to an albo monstera if you don’t want to foot the albo’s price tag.
Mine isn’t big enough to climb since I got it as a tiny baby, but here are a few pictures of my little lady. See more pics and learn more about this plant in my Monstera Standleyana care guide.
8. Monstera Siltepecana
Monstera Siltepecana is a lovely and only moderately hard-to-find variety of the plant. The juvenile form of the plant has small, delicate leaves that are generally grown in a trailing form.
However, add a pole for your Siltepecana to climb and you’ll eventually get large fenestrated leaves. It’s a pretty variety in both juvenile and mature forms. For more, see my Monstera Siltepecana care post.
9. Monstera Thai Constellation
And last one the list (for now…until I add another monstera to my collection!) is the Monstera Thai Constellation! The plant hobbyist world was totally abuzz about this plant for years when news came out that the large plant grower Costa Farms was mass producing them.
This was welcome news for many since this is a very expensive plant. And mass producing it means that prices will come down. However, Costa Farms sadly shared earlier this year (2022) that they were selling off the mother supply of plants. So I wouldn’t hold your breath that they are coming 🙁
In the meantime, prices have come down a bit for this absolutely stunning variety of deliciosa. And unlike the albo monstera, the variegation on Thai constellation plants is incredibly stable. Learn more about how this plant was developed in my Thai Constellation care post.
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