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Take Root Houseplants: Frederick’s Newest Plant Shop

I recently got a chance to visit Take Root Houseplants in Frederick. It’s downtown’s newest plant shop located in Everedy Square. Check out my pictures of the beautiful selection and learn more about the owner, Kaitlyn Makers!

Take Root Houseplants in Frederick: Downtown’s New Plant Shop!

Hey guys! A bit of a different post for me today—if you’re local or anywhere near Frederick, Maryland and love plants, this one is for you. I’m writing this post on October 9th, and tomorrow is the grand opening of Take Root Houseplants in Frederick, a brand new plant shop downtown! Everedy Square, specifically.

I got the chance to pop in and check out the store earlier this week. It is an absolutely gorgeous space, and the owner, Kaitlyn Makers, is lovely! I was able to chat with her a bit about the store, opening a business during a pandemic, and her love for plants.

beautiful hanging planters at Take Root Houseplant Shop
beautiful hanging planters at Take Root Houseplant Shop

Meeting Kaitlyn and checking out the shop

Kaitlyn is from the area and was raised in a family of business owners. In fact, another one of the businesses in Everedy Square is a business in her family—Primitive Homespuns Wool and Needleworks. She has wanted to own her own business her whole life, and being cooped up indoors earlier this year was the motivation for her to finally start planning how to combine her love of plants with her entrepreneurial desires.

One of the things we chatted about was how it’s going to be so nice to have a spot just devoted to houseplants. We both love our local nurseries, but a houseplant shop is more tailored to those who don’t really have as much of an interest in outdoor plants or landscaping.

Nurseries can also be a little overwhelming for new plant owners, so I think a friendly environment like the one Kaitlyn has created will be a wonderful place for shoppers to ask questions and learn more about the specific needs of the houseplant they are taking home. Kaitlyn wants to be able to give her plants the dedicated attention that houseplants sometimes need—and pass those tailored care tips along to her customers.

Take Root Houseplant Shop in Frederick, MD
Monstera deliciosa at Take Root Houseplant Shop in Frederick, MD
Take Root Houseplant Shop in Frederick, MD
air plants in a wooden bowl

Pots, planters, and plant stands

She also has a beautiful collection of planters, plant stands, and pots to choose from. Although she currently sources them from a variety of places, once she is up and running, she wants to work with local potters to sell some of their wares in her shop. I love this idea since it can sometimes be difficult to find those small independent sellers!

Oh, and I pointed out a test tube propagation stand I loved—her grandfather made it! Here’s a pic. I have a major love for test tube propagation. (Her grandfather was also there in the shop and is lovely as well. And clearly very talented!)

test tube propagation stand
beautiful pots and planters on shelves

Take Root Houseplants in Frederick, MD

COVID might be a challenging time for a lot of businesses, but I’m with Kaitlyn on this one. If there’s one thing that being stuck inside has taught us, it’s that houseplants are NEVER cancelled. I honestly think houseplants have gotten more popular with everything that is going on in the world. I have even heard people refer to themselves as “quarantine plant parents” because of the love they developed or rekindled for plants earlier this year.

She currently doesn’t have plants to ship, but she is considering some local delivery options in the future. And don’t worry—if things get bad again and business can only offer curbside pickup, she has a ton of gorgeous window space. It’s really the perfect spot for a plant shop.

I asked her about her favorite plants in her personal collection. She said that right now, it’s her large pearls and jade pothos and her peperomias. My favorites in her shop? I spotted a gorgeous large hanging basket of philodendron micans, several variegated hoya kerriis, two very full pilea peperomioides (Chinese money plants), and some really cool pitcher plants.

succulents and cacti at Take Root Houseplant Shop in Frederick, MD
beautiful hanging plant at Take Root Houseplant Shop
beautiful hanging plants at Take Root Houseplant Shop
pitcher plant

You can check out Take Root’s Facebook and Instagram pages for more info. Make sure to support Kaitlyn at her grand opening tomorrow, October 10th at 10AM—or any time after that!!

Take Root Houseplant Shop in Frederick, MD

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  1. Cyndi Woolley says:

    How I wished she shipped. She has so many beautiful plants. I saw many I’d love to order if given half a chance.

  2. Cassie Bustamante says:

    I wish that was there when I was in Frederick- so adorable!

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