All about hoya rope plant care! The hoya carnosa compacta plant is an absolutely stunning vining plant closely related to the hoya carnosa (see my hoya carnosa care guide). It’s also known as the rope hoya, the hoya rope plant, and the Hindu rope plant. The stems grow long, about 1-1.5 feet, twisting and turning to …
Plants & gardening
I’ll be honest—I hadn’t heard of the philodendron tortum until relatively recently. Until I hit “order” on one, that is. I saw it pop up online and thought, “huh, that looks cool.” And my service to you? I bought it, learned about caring for it, and am now going to write about it 🙂 There …
All about keeping your cyclamen happy! I’ve been writing a lot about some seasonal holiday plants. And today I’m writing about a plant that is lesser known than the poinsettia but produces lovely colorful flowers—cyclamen! Have you heard of it? Cyclamen is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. They produce lovely heart-shaped …
Learn how to care for your poinsettias and keep them looking beautiful all holiday season, and then learn how to make the re-bloom and turn red again next year! From watering to potting soil, my poinsettia care guide has you covered. Poinsettia care over the holidays and all year! Today I am sharing a classic …
Have questions about caring for your Peruvian apple cactus? Check out my guide, which includes information on how much light it needs, if it’s cold hardy, if you can eat the fruit, how to get it to flower, and more. How to care for the Peruvian apple cactus Hi everyone! Today I am writing about …
Looking for guidance on properly growing amaryllis bulbs indoors? Learn all about what this plant actually is, as well as how to care for it after blooming, how to save the bulbs for next year, and how to transfer them outside for the spring and summer! All about growing amaryllis bulbs indoors I’ve been enjoying …
Did you manage to get your hands on the elusive Monstera Esqueleto? It’s getting easier to find these days! Learn how to care for the stunning “skeleton” monstera with this post. What is Monstera Esqueleto? Monsteras are beloved houseplants because they are easygoing and have stunning tropical leaves. You’re probably familiar with the Monstera Deliciosa …
Looking for tips on how to care for your new Alocasia Azlanii? Alocasia plants can be tricky, but the green, red, pink, and black foliage on this plant are worth the effort! Read on for more info. How to care for the lovely Alocasia Azlanii plant Today we’re bringing things back to the Alocasia genus, …
Dog tail cactus, aka Strophocactus testudo, is a unique trailing or climbing cactus that produces lovely fragrant flowers. Learn more about this cool variety here! All about the cool trailing dog tail cactus If you’re looking for a unique cactus that can soak up the sun, look no further. The dog tail cactus enjoys full …
Hey all—today’s post is one that has been frustratingly a few months in the making. Why? Because it’s one of those projects that I thought would be easy but actually took a while to get right. We’re talking about making seed paper. Seed paper uses moistened and pulverized (or blended) paper. While the paper is …
Epipremnum Amplissimum, aka the silver streak pothos, is a gorgeous variety of pothos that has stunning long, pointy leaves with delicate silver striping. Learn how to care for this variety here. How do you care for Epipremnum Amplissimum? The Epipremnum Amplissimum is a variety of pothos you may not be familiar with. It’s closely related …
Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is a fast-growing climbing plant with gorgeous ribbed green leaves. Learn how to keep it happy as a houseplant with this guide! How do you take care of a Fuzzy Petiole Philodendron? Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole plants are famous for their fuzzy petioles—who would’ve thought 🙂 If you’re new to plant terminology, petioles …
Peperomia frost is a gorgeous type of peperomia caperata—or the ripple peperomia—peperomia frost has compact silver leaves with an upright growth pattern. Learn how to care for it here. How do you care for a peperomia frost? Hey all! Today I am writing about a genus I haven’t written about a ton lately—peperomia. With the …
Alocasia Jacklyn care is pretty similar to other types of elephant ear plants. Read on for tips on taking care of this plant, where it comes from, how big it can get, and more! All about Alocasia Jacklyn and caring for this newer variety! It’s still summer here as I write this, which means I’m …
Philodendron jungle boogie, aka the tiger tooth philodendron, is a bold plant that boasts narrow leaves with serrated edges. Learn how to care for your next favorite philodendron with this post! How do you care for a philodendron jungle boogie? What’s the philodendron with the most fun name? I’d argue that it’s the philodendron jungle …
Today’s post is all about the ZZ chameleon plant, a cool new variety of the hardy all-green zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ) plant that changes colors as it grows! Learn what makes this plant special, as well as if it is variegated or not. ZZ chameleon plant care Whenever I hear someone say that they aren’t good …
Peperomia rosso is a lovely variety of the compact peperomia genus that has deep green leaves with a silver sheen. Learn how to care for the rosso, including how much light it needs, how big it gets, if it’s a succulent, and more! How do you care for a peperomia rosso? Today I’m writing about …
Philodendron summer glory is a newer type of philodendron—a hybrid of two other plants created in Florida by LariAnn Garner. Learn about this stunning variety and my experience caring for it so far! How to care for the gorgeous new Philodendron summer glory The first time I saw a philodendron summer glory, I gasped. It …
Wondering how to care for a philodendron silver stripe? My care guide will walk you through caring for this variegated stunner, including how to tell a silver stripe apart from a Brasil, Rio, and cream splash! How do you care for a philodendron silver stripe? I have another philodendron post for you today—and it’s for …
I’m still on my seed-collecting kick this fall and wanted to share some gorgeous pictures I ended up grabbing while I was trying to collect clematis seeds. My mom has three clematis vines that are throwing out seed heads left and right, so I swooped in to save some seeds. We have had a few …
Sansevieria black coral is a gorgeous darker variety of snake plant with an interesting banded variegation. And caring for it is a cinch—learn the few things you need to know to keep this plant happy with this care post! Sansevieria black coral care & propagation Hey all! It’s been a while since I’ve written about …
Hey all! It’s seed-saving time of year, so I have another seed-saving post for you. Today I’m talking about how to save seeds from milkweed pods. Specifically “common milkweed” pods, or Asclepias syriaca. This is the plant that a lot of people think of when they think of milkweed, though there are many different types …
Wondering how to care for the brand new Lemon Meringue Pothos plant? It’s pretty much like every other pothos variety—read about it here, including where it came from! How to care for the lovely Lemon Meringue Pothos There’s nothing like a new pothos variety to perk my ears up. I love pothos—so easy, so beautiful. …
All about variegated string of pearls care! One of my more popular plant care guides is about string of pearls care, and today’s article is about a variegated cultivar of that plant—the variegated string of pearls, or senecio rowleyanus ‘variegata.’ It’s also a succulent native to the arid regions of Southwest Africa where it grows …
Asters are now one my one of my favorite fall-blooming perennials. And I kind of fell into this one by accident. When I decided to focus on perennials and pollinators for the first year of our new home’s back garden, my strategy was kind of shooting in the dark. I went to a local nursery …
I recently did a post about how to plant tulips and shared all of the details about planting my tulip garden in the new house. But I planted a few different types of bulbs—not just tulip bulbs. I also planted a lot of hyacinth flowers! Hyacinth flowers are a very strong-smelling spring-blooming perennial. They are …
Philodendron mamei is a lovely creeping philodendron with green leaves and a silver/gray mottled variegation. Learn about how to care for this variety with my post! How to grow the lovely philodendron mamei Welcome, welcome to my latest edition of “Brittany buys too many philodendrons.” Today’s post is on the philodendron mamei, which I purchased …
Learn about the stunning philodendron black cardinal, a variety of erubescens with leaves that vary in color from a deep burgundy to a deep green. Find out how to help this dark variety thrive as a houseplant. How do you take care of a philodendron black cardinal? So I’m trying to write care posts for …
It’s currently fall, and we’ve been in our new house for about 6 months. So I am excited to get our first round of spring flower bulbs in before winter fully sets in. I have a few places I will be planting a few different types of bulbs, not just tulips. But this article is …
Monstera pinnatipartita is a gorgeous and harder-to-find variety of the genus that looks gorgeous climbing a moss pole. Learn how to care for this tropical lovely as a houseplant with this post! How do you care for Monstera Pinnatipartita? When I first saw a Monstera Pinnatipartita in person, I actually thought it was a Monstera …
Did you add a philodendron rojo congo to your houseplant collection? This stunning upright tropical baby makes a wonderful statement plant in a bright room. Learn all about how to care for it here! Philodendron rojo congo care Today I’m adding another philodendron care post to my care post library, and it’s a philodendron rojo …
Philodendron Burle Marx is a lovely bushy variety of the philodendron genus that will make a great statement plant in a room. Learn all about how to care for it here! How to care for the gorgeous Philodendron Burle Marx Philodendrons are widely known and loved for their gorgeous green foliage and the minimal effort …
Monstera standleyana albo variegata is a beautiful tropical plant that also makes a wonderful houseplant. Learn about how to care for it, if it fenestrates, how to propagate it, and more with this post. Monstera standleyana albo variegata care My monstera deliciosa is one of my favorite houseplants, and I will never turn down the …
Hey all! I recently wrote a piece on 9 Monstera Types to Add to Your Collection that features different types of monstera plants I own. “Monstera” is a genus of 59 tropical plants native to hot, humid parts of North, Central, and South America. These plants climb and vine in their natural habitat, growing prolifically …
Learn how to care for the striking little peperomia albovittata, aka the piccolo banda peperomia. Its small size makes it the perfect little desktop plant, and it’s easy to care for, too. Peperomia albovittata care & propagation guide If you like houseplants that are both eye-catching and low-maintenance, then the peperomia albovittata is right for …
Scindapsus treubii dark form care is slightly more difficult than some other varieties of scindapsus, but it’s worth the extra effort! Learn all about this rare variety and why you should add it to your collection. Scindapsus treubii dark form care…all about this rare variety! Hey all! Today we’re talking about one of the plants …
Senna Didymobotrya, aka the popcorn cassia plant, is a cool plant that you’ll want to consider adding to your collection. And popcorn plant care isn’t difficult indoors or outdoors! Learn all about it here. Popcorn plant care When I first came across the popcorn plant, I knew I had to tell you all about it. …
Hoya krinkle 8 is a stunning cross between the hoya carnosa and hoya carnosa compacta plants. Learn all about hoya krinkle 8 care needs, as well as how to propagate it. Hoya krinkle 8 care guide Hey all! Today I have a shorter hoya care post. (Famous last words, I know I’ve said that before …
Zinnias are some of my favorite annual flowers. They make great cut flowers, and I’ve grown them in containers for several years now. But in the new house, I was finally able to put them in the ground. And man did they take off! (See my post on how to grow beautiful zinnia flowers for …
Philodendron squamiferum is a stunning bushy variety that can grow really tall and make a statement—even as a houseplant! Learn about philodendron squamiferum care with my guide. How do you take care of a philodendron squamiferum? Hey all, it’s time for another fantastic philodendron! And today’s fab philo is the philodendron squamiferum. I haven’t seen …