Hoya krinkle 8 is a stunning cross between the hoya carnosa and hoya carnosa compacta plants. Learn all about hoya krinkle 8 care needs, as well as how to propagate it.
Hoya krinkle 8 care guide
Hey all! Today I have a shorter hoya care post. (Famous last words, I know I’ve said that before and definitely ended up writing a 1,500-word post…) But I’ve already written about the parent plants for today’s plant—the hoya krinkle 8—so I don’t want to be too redundant 🙂
So, yes. Today’s plant is the hoya krinkle 8. Its name gives me futuristic vibes. A lot of people drop the “8” though and just call it a hoya krinkle.
The hoya krinkle 8 is a cross between two hoya plants: the super common hoya carnosa, and the hoya rope plant—which is actually a version of the hoya carnosa (its full name is the hoya carnosa compacta).
The “8” in the name comes from the fact that each leaf has 8 small depressions on it. These depressions are what lead to the crinkle-looking edge on the leaf. It’s basically halfway between the flat carnosa leaves and the curled-up carnosa compacta leaves.
What is hoya krinkle 8?
Hoya carnosa compacta (rope plant) is one of my absolute favorite plants. I love the way the curly-leaf-packed stems hang. It’s a very unique plant. And the hoya krinkle 8 gives that same vibe.
My plant is still quite small, but it is trailing! So I can see a vision of what it will look like one day. It can climb or trail, but I personally prefer this one as a trailing plant. When they are mature, they have a very lush look!
I can’t find who first crossed the parent plants to create the krinkle cultivar or when they did it. If you know, I’d love to know. I have to assume it’s a more recent creation within the last few decades.
Hoya krinkle 8 vs. hoya carnosa Chelsea
Hoya krinkle 8 also looks a lot like the hoya Chelsea. And hoya Chelsea is a cultivar of hoya carnosa (its full name is hoya carnosa Chelsea, so that makes sense). If you look at the images below, though, you’ll see some differences.
Hoya carnosa Chelsea has a bit less of a crinkled look. The leaves are more puckered than crinkled. The dimples are a bit more shallow, while the overall leaf size on the Chelsea is wider. Have a look.
Light, water, & soil
The hoya krinkle 8 enjoys bright indirect light, much like many other hoyas. However, I have mine in medium light levels, and it seems to be doing fine. Though krinkle will grow slower with lower light levels, and you will likely have to water it less.
If you have your krinkle 8 outside for the spring and summer, make sure you keep the plant under a dense tree or on a covered patio. Too much direct light will scorch and burn the leaves. Dappled or filtered sunlight is perfect, though.
Plant your hoya krinkle 8 in a loose, well-draining soil. You can use any soil mix labeled as “indoor” or “houseplant.” I usually throw in a bit of coconut husk or orchid bark and perlite as well.
Well-draining soil is 100% necessary because this plant is prone to root rot. If the soil is too heavy, it will retain too much water. Heavy soil will also prevent oxygen from getting to the plant’s roots, and oxygen is an essential part of the plant’s growth.
I let my hoya krinkle 8’s soil dry out almost completely before watering it again. When I do water it again, I usually do so in the sink so that I can water it deeply and wash off all the leaves with the kitchen sink’s hose.
Watering deeply just means you soak the soil until the excess water is running out of the pot’s drainage holes. Let all the excess water drain before removing the plant from the sink. And when you’re cleaning the leaves off, make sure to get the undersides (great for routine pest prevention!).
Temperature & humidity
Hoya krinkle 8 tolerates all normal household temperatures and humidity levels just fine. However, as a plant that originates from warm, humid climates, it’s best to mimic these conditions as closely as possible.
Shoot for temperatures in the 70s or 80s Fahrenheit with humidity levels slightly higher than average household humidity. Your plant will be fine with average household humidity, but taking it up a few notches is a great way to enhance your hoya krinkle 8 care routine.
More humidity and warmth—along with plenty of bright indirect light—is also a fantastic way to encourage the best growth.
Hoya krinkle 8 growth, potting, & repotting
Even with optimal care conditions, the hoya krinkle 8 is not a super fast grower. The new leaves emerge slowly and can sometimes take quite a while to reach their full size and deepen to their final color.
Terracotta is a great choice for hoya plants because it helps regulate moisture in the soil by soaking in extra water. But hoyas are generally happy in all types of planters if they have the right soil mix!
I do not repot my hoyas until the roots begin growing out of the pot’s drainage holes. Or until the roots begin circling the pot’s interior so much that you can lift the entire plant out of the pot—root ball and all—with very little mess.
When it’s time to size your pot up, choose a pot that is only a few inches bigger than the one you’re replacing. A pot that is too big is a surefire way to lead to the plant’s soil retaining too much water, ultimately leading to root rot.
Hoya krinkle 8 flowers
My little krinkle 8 has not flowered yet, and I see no signs of a peduncle on it. When it does flower, krinkle produces pink and white wax-like flower clusters with a sweet smell. To encourage your krinkle 8 to flower, follow the same steps as you would for any other hoya:
- Give it time for peduncles to form; sometimes it can take years, other times you might buy your plant with one.
- Follow an optimal, consistent care routine with plenty of bright indirect light.
- Withhold water for a bit longer than you normal would as spring is nearing; I’ve heard this can help with hoya flowering, and since hoya krinkle 8 is quite drought tolerant, trying it can’t hurt!
- Fertilizers high in phosphorus can help encourage blooming, but I don’t personally fertilize my hoyas with anything other than Liqui-Dirt once a month or so.
How do you propagate hoya krinkle 8?
Propagating a hoya krinkle 8 is exactly the same as propagating a hoya carnosa plant, which I have a whole detailed post on: see How to Propagate Hoya Carnosa for more. However, here is a brief overview!
Take a cutting of the plant with a growth point. You can expose growth points by removing the bottom-most set of leaves on the cutting or you can leave them on. Make sure the cutting still has at least one set of leaves at the top. Don’t make the cutting too long; those will take longer to root.
Place the cutting in a growing medium. You can use sphagnum moss and perlite, which is my favorite method for hoyas; LECA clay balls; water; or simply stick the cutting straight in soil.
For sphagnum moss and perlite, keep the moss moist but not wet and keep the humidity high. You can do this by using a DIY plastic propagation box or by simply sticking a clear plastic baggie over the plant. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transfer the cutting to soil.
Water the cutting roughly weekly, keeping the soil moist but not wet. Once you can pull the cutting and get some resistance, it has acclimated to life in soil. Back off watering and begin treating the plant as normal.
Is krinkle 8 pet safe?
Yes, hoyas are safe to have around pets and kids. However, the hoya krinkle 8 is not meant to be ingested, so it’s best to keep it away from nibblers.
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