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How to Propagate Peperomia

This article shares all about how to propagate peperomia in both water and soil.

3 proven methods to propagate peperomia

It’s time for another plant propagation article! Today I’m jumping off of the peperomia care tips article I published a few weeks ago and am talking about propagating peperomia. Because it’s easy to care for and easy to propagate!

There are over 1,500 varieties of this small plant, but in my last article I chatted about some of the most popular varieties you’ve probably seen in your local nursery:

plant cuttings rooting in a glass jar

Peperomia propagation overview

  • Peperomia plants can be propagated in both water and soil using leaf and stem cuttings.
  • There are three methods for propagating peperomia: in water, stem cuttings in soil, and leaf cuttings in soil.
  • Variegated peperomia plants should not be propagated from leaf cuttings, as it may result in loss of variegation.
  • To propagate peperomia in water, take a cutting and put in a cup of water until roots develop; then transplant into soil and keep moist.
  • For soil propagation, plant the cutting in soil and keep the soil moist; add a plastic enclosure to boost humidity and encourage healthy root growth; use this same method to propagate a leaf cutting.

A primer on peperomia

Peperomia plants in general do not like to be overwatered and have pretty shallow root systems, so they should always be planted in a well-draining soil. I just use a regular houseplant soil with some perlite and coco coir or fine moss added in, and that has worked well for me.

Use this same kind of mixture when rooting peperomia cuttings in soil. Like most plants, the best time for propagation is spring and summer. But it can be done in the fall. I know I’m going to try to keep my little babies going this fall.

Also keep in mind that variegated peperomia plants (like the baby rubber plant) shouldn’t be propagated from leaf cuttings. Only stem cuttings in soil or water. Propagating from a leaf cutting can lead to it losing all of its lovely variegation in color.

beautiful silver peperomia ripple

Method #1: How to propagate peperomia in water

The first easy way to propagate peperomia is in water. The process is very similar to that of rooting pothos cuttings in water. Except it’s even easier. That’s because you need to make sure you capture a node or growth point with a pothos cutting.

With a peperomia cutting, you don’t need to worry about this. You just need to cut off a stem with a leaf. Then pop it in a cup of water. Refresh the water every week or so, and don’t let it evaporate below the growth area (the cut end of the stem).

The time it takes for a peperomia cutting to grow roots in water depends on the time of year. Generally you’ll notice your cutting begin to develop tiny white almost-translucent roots after a few weeks. Monitor the roots as they grow.

You can see an example of what I mean using my peperomia rana verde below. My plant was getting pretty leggy and scraggly. So before I repotted it, I trimmed off a bunch of cuttings to propagate, and stuck them in my DIY test tube propagation station.

crazy flowering peperomia
peperomia rana verde cutting
peperomia cuttings propagating in a water propagation station
small water roots on a peperomia stem cutting

Transplanting the cutting to soil

Soon after the roots sprout, you’ll notice the beginnings of a tiny new peperomia plant as well. A teeny tiny leaf will begin emerging from the root growth—this is a new plant! Let it continue developing for a few more weeks.

Then you can snip it off the stem (including the very bottom of the stem) and carefully plant it in a small pot. I really like using seed-starting trays for propagations this small. Once it has developed its own root system in soil, you can transplant it to its own pot to start growing!

Remember that peperomia plants have shallow root systems, and baby plants have VERY shallow root systems. Don’t put it in a pot that is much bigger than the current plant.

peperomia propagation in water
peperomia propagation in water
baby peperomia plant propagations
new root growth on a propagated peperomia stem
baby peperomia plant propagation

I’ve also propagated a silver ripple peperomia plant successfully using this method—have a look at the series of pictures below. The leaves were even from a plant that was kind of meh as far as health goes. And it still rooted great!

peperomia and other cuttings rooting in water
propagations growing on a peperomia stem cutting

Method #2: How to propagate peperomia stem cuttings in soil

Another way to propagate peperomia is using soil. This is a method I am using right now to propagate some little peppers. There are two ways to root new peperomia plants from cuttings: by using a stem cutting and using a leaf cutting. We’ll cover stem cutting first.

To propagate a peperomia plant using a stem cutting, the best practice to cut a stem with a few leaves. However, I’ve not always done this, and the cuttings still do well. The most important thing to remember is that the cuttings come from healthy plants.

Remove lower leaves and dip the stem in a rooting hormone powder. Then carefully plant in a well-draining potting soil. Once planted, you can create the world tiniest greenhouse by putting the planted cutting in a large plastic bag. You can also set up a DIY clear plastic propagation box.

Adding holes to whatever enclosure you decided on will help with air circulation. But you should still let the plant breathe fresh air every few days. If you notice mold growth, it might be a sign to give it a bit of air.

If I’m using a prop box, I just take the lid (or baggie) off every few days and give it a few hours of fresh air. But you want to make sure the soil you’re using remains moist to help with root development.

peperomia rana verde cutting

Transplanting your new plant

The roots will be developing in the soil much like they developed under water. It’s just hidden, which is why I like water propagation for some plants 🙂 After a month or so, you’ll notice new plants beginning to sprout from the soil.

At this point, you can cut off the original plant that produced the baby that is now sprouting (if you’d like to). Or you can repot the baby separately. Below is a pic of a teeny new baby plant I transplanted separated to its own pot.

propagating peperomia in soil

Method #3: How to propagate peperomia leaves in soil

You can even propagate peperomia plants using leaf cuttings (but remember to use this method only for solid, non-variegated varieties). The process is the same as propagating by a stem cutting, except you just need to cut off single leaves with tiny stems on them and plant those.

You can use rooting hormone when propagating by leaf cuttings as well. The process works pretty much the same, but remember it takes a while! Below you’ll see some examples of when I’ve planted single leaves to grow new plants. It’s an awesome process to watch!

propagating a peperomia from a leaf cutting
New baby plant sprouting next to mom!
propagating peperomia in soil
Eventual new plant!

In conclusion…

As we wrap up this guide on peperomia propagation, I hope you’ve found valuable insights to embark on your own successful plant journey. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just beginning to explore the world of peperomias, take these techniques and make them your own. Happy propagating!

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