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How to Remove Sticker Residue From Plastic

This post shares how to remove sticker residue from plastic, specifically how to remove sticker residue from plastic bottles and jars. You can actually use this tip to remove sticker residue from glass and number of other surfaces, too.

How to Remove Sticker Residue From Plastic: A Quick Tip

I’m popping in today with another quick tip! A few weeks ago, I decided to start doing some quick tip posts…they can be about anything, just as long as it’s something I think might be useful to someone. And it has to be fast and easy to accomplish.

My first quick tip was about how to create drainage in planters without holes. I needed to do that for this hanging stainless steel bowl planter. Today I’m talking about something we’re all familiar with…how to remove sticker residue from bottles and jars.

Would you believe I walked around with my water bottle like this for a few weeks after buying it? I’m so, so lazy sometimes. I figured that a couple cycles through the washer would remove all of it, but alas, this is as far as my dishwasher got me. This sticker residue was particularly stubborn:

sticker residue on a plastic bottle

So removing it is pretty simple. Don’t bother with Goo Gone…I mean if you have it on hand you can use it, but it smells nasty. And why use Goo Gone for something olive oil can do? Yeah, no kidding, olive oil. I just poured a little bit onto a paper towel and started scrubbing the spot.

When about half of the sticker residue was off, I rinsed it and started scrubbing again. Sometimes it takes a few rounds for the stubborn ones. When it was all gone, I just thoroughly washed the bottle with soap and water to remove all of the oil. And that’s it, folks.

clean bottle with no sticker residue

See? Easy. No more excuses for being lazy and keeping the sticker gunk on your bottles and jars forever. 🙂

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How to Remove Sticker Residue From Plastic: Quick Tip

How to remove sticker residue from bottles and jars so you can re-use them for other things

How to remove sticker residue from plastic, specifically how to remove sticker residue from plastic bottles and jars.


  • Olive oil
  • Paper towel


  1. Pour a small amount of olive oil onto a paper towel and start scrubbing the sticker residue.
  2. Rinse and repeat. Sometimes it takes a few rounds for the stubborn ones.
  3. Thoroughly wash the bottle with soap and water to remove all of the oil. And that's it, folks.

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  1. PAULA Anderson says:

    Great idea, I had a huge beautiful wild shaped bottle if olive oil. Guess what will be my next floral holder? Ha,ha, great idea and mine turned out to be so beautiful. Keep my tips coming!! Thanks so much.

  2. Lynn Spencer says:

    Great tip! It seems there is always some sticker stuff on something that needs to be removed. I haven’t tried olive oil yet, I’ll give it a try next time.

    Hugs, Lynn

  3. Carolann says:

    Much better idea that smelly Goo Gone! Thank you, I’ll try it for sure next time!

  4. Leanna says:

    Olive Oil, one of those moments of why didn’t I think of that! Sure a glad that you did! Thanks for the share.

    • Brittany Goldwyn says:

      Yep, I thought the same thing! You get kind of creative when you realize you don’t have any Goo Gone…

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