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Henry Meets Blanche

We’ve been considering getting a second cat for a while now, but we were really worried how Henry would react. When we brought little Blanche home from the shelter, she had a serious sinus infection. So, coupled with the fact that Henry wasn’t too sure about her, we had to keep them separated. After a few days, we had a few supervised meetings during which one of us held Blanche while Henry sniffed around. When we finally felt comfortable letting them interact, it’s was about as cute as you’d imagine. Here are some pictures from their meeting.

tabby cat
tabby cat and a kitten

Henry Meeting Blanche (1 of 14)-4
tabby kitten

gray kitten
tabby cat batting at a kitten
tabby cat batting at a kitten
small gray kitten
tabby cat batting at a kitten
small gray kitten
small gray kitten

small gray kitten
small gray kitten and tabby cat

Are you interested in adopting in the Washington, DC area? Check out the Washington Animal Rescue League.

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  1. Megan Sjoquist says:

    Have just found your blog and looked through a couple of back pages. When I found these adorable photos I just had to write and tell you how much I loved seeing them. We have two cats (one of whom is called Henry) and your photos remind me of when we introduced our Henry to his little brother William.

    • Brittany Merth says:

      Hi Megan! I’m so glad you like them. It was a rough few days for them, but they are best buds now. We often find them curled up together, and we feel better leaving them all day now that we know they have each other.:)

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