Today we’re talking about how to propagate basil from stem cuttings. It’s a super easy thing to do if you want to enjoy fresh basil for your whole growing season. And you can continue chopping and propping basil stem cuttings pretty much indefinitely, meaning you really only need to buy basil once! I know herbs …


Our DIY landscaping progress & a Vego beds review! I’m home from work and puttering around this week, reading and whatnot. I figured it’d be a nice time to go through some of my blogging backlog. And one of the things on my list was my yearly yard post. This is our second summer in …
How to grow gorgeous sunflowers from seed I have been mentally writing this article for a while now—you all know I only write about plants that I have personally cared for or grown. And I hadn’t grown a ton of sunflowers because I didn’t like how floppy and messy they looked. That is, until I …
How to grow moonflower vine in your garden Today I am talking about one of my favorite plants to grow in my garden: ipomoea alba, otherwise known as moonflower vine. I absolutely adore this plant because I love anything vining and climbing. And I grew this plant in containers before I moved to our current …
Vinegar weed & grass killer…yes, it definitely works! We are deep into yard work season over here, and I wanted to share a quick post on one of the delicious-smelling things I’m using to kill off weeds and grass: vinegar! Yes, I love the smell of vinegar. Reminds me of potato chips and fries. And …
Hey all! Today I have another product review for you. If you’ve been on Instagram or YouTube and gone down the gardening rabbit hole, you’ve probably encountered the GreenStalk vertical garden. It’s a quality product that solves a few problems many have. A lack of space for a large garden, desire to maintain large garden beds, …
All about caring for Meyer lemon trees in pots Growing a Meyer lemon tree in our garden is something I’d wanted to do for years before finally getting one. Because it gets very cold where we live, we can’t have certain fruit trees in the ground. So this guide focuses on growing Meyer lemon trees …
My tips for growing gorgeous zinnias! Zinnia flowers were one of the first things I ever grew from seed. My mom recommended them to me as a beginner because they are so easy. And she was right—they are a total confidence booster for new gardeners. But they are also perfect for experienced gardeners. They grow …
All about keeping your cyclamen happy! I’ve been writing a lot about some seasonal holiday plants. And today I’m writing about a plant that is lesser known than the poinsettia but produces lovely colorful flowers—cyclamen! Have you heard of it? Cyclamen is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. They produce lovely heart-shaped …
Learn how to care for your poinsettias and keep them looking beautiful all holiday season, and then learn how to make the re-bloom and turn red again next year! From watering to potting soil, my poinsettia care guide has you covered. Poinsettia care over the holidays and all year! Today I am sharing a classic …
I’m still on my seed-collecting kick this fall and wanted to share some gorgeous pictures I ended up grabbing while I was trying to collect clematis seeds. My mom has three clematis vines that are throwing out seed heads left and right, so I swooped in to save some seeds. We have had a few …
Hey all! It’s seed-saving time of year, so I have another seed-saving post for you. Today I’m talking about how to save seeds from milkweed pods. Specifically “common milkweed” pods, or Asclepias syriaca. This is the plant that a lot of people think of when they think of milkweed, though there are many different types …