All about keeping your cyclamen happy! I’ve been writing a lot about some seasonal holiday plants. And today I’m writing about a plant that is lesser known than the poinsettia but produces lovely colorful flowers—cyclamen! Have you heard of it? Cyclamen is a genus of flowering plants in the family Primulaceae. They produce lovely heart-shaped …
In the Garden
Learn how to care for your poinsettias and keep them looking beautiful all holiday season, and then learn how to make the re-bloom and turn red again next year! From watering to potting soil, my poinsettia care guide has you covered. Poinsettia care over the holidays and all year! Today I am sharing a classic …
I’m still on my seed-collecting kick this fall and wanted to share some gorgeous pictures I ended up grabbing while I was trying to collect clematis seeds. My mom has three clematis vines that are throwing out seed heads left and right, so I swooped in to save some seeds. We have had a few …
Hey all! It’s seed-saving time of year, so I have another seed-saving post for you. Today I’m talking about how to save seeds from milkweed pods. Specifically “common milkweed” pods, or Asclepias syriaca. This is the plant that a lot of people think of when they think of milkweed, though there are many different types …
Asters are now one my one of my favorite fall-blooming perennials. And I kind of fell into this one by accident. When I decided to focus on perennials and pollinators for the first year of our new home’s back garden, my strategy was kind of shooting in the dark. I went to a local nursery …
It’s currently fall, and we’ve been in our new house for about 6 months. So I am excited to get our first round of spring flower bulbs in before winter fully sets in. I have a few places I will be planting a few different types of bulbs, not just tulips. But this article is …
Senna Didymobotrya, aka the popcorn cassia plant, is a cool plant that you’ll want to consider adding to your collection. And popcorn plant care isn’t difficult indoors or outdoors! Learn all about it here. Popcorn plant care When I first came across the popcorn plant, I knew I had to tell you all about it. …
Zinnias are some of my favorite annual flowers. They make great cut flowers, and I’ve grown them in containers for several years now. But in the new house, I was finally able to put them in the ground. And man did they take off! (See my post on how to grow beautiful zinnia flowers for …
One of the biggest draws for our new house was the yard. It’s big, flat, and pretty blank. Just a lot of grass. Which means endless possibilities (especially with no home owner’s association here!). And A LOT of work. I mean, looking at these before pictures, I truly cannot believe where we’re at now. So …
Hey everyone! This is the third in a series of (probably) four fall bulb-planting posts I’ll be writing. I’m excited to be getting some bulbs in the ground at our new house—and today’s post is all about how to plant and grow allium. You might have heard of this plant as something called “ornamental onion.” …
One of the HUGE draws for our new house was the big backyard. The house itself might be smaller, but the yard is perfect. Large, rectangular, and flat. And brimming with potential! And one thing I did immediately after moving in was ordering a compost tumbler. Composting can be as easy as throwing food scraps …
Learn how to care for a banana plant, including how to help it winter over! How to grow gorgeous banana plants! I’m excited to be writing about caring for banana plants today because it is one of the plants that first piqued my interest in gardening. My parents have always grown banana plants in their …
How to care for the gorgeous potted eucalyptus plant Eucalyptus is one of my favorite scents. I’m not an essential oils person in that I think they do anything other than smell nice. But I have gone through my fair share of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils over the years! And a few years ago …
This post shares all about how to build a raised garden bed with wood. Small raised garden beds help us maximize our small backyard. How to Build a Raised Garden Bed With Wood Hey all, it’s week 3 of the One Room Challenge, and I’m sharing more progress on our tiny backyard. Here’s week 2 if you …
Wondering how to keep squirrels off your balcony garden? Here’s how I do it using a DIY spray approach! Here’s how I keep squirrels off my little garden… I absolutely love my apartment balcony garden. This is the first time we’ve have a balcony sunny enough to grow anything on, and I’ve definitely taken full …
I’ve got some seriously awesome herb production going on in my balcony garden. So much that I’ve started to harvest and preserve many of them so that we’ll be able to enjoy them all winter. I used to think that drying your herbs was the only way to preserve them, but that’s not the case. …