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22 Great DIYs for Pets

Looking for DIYs for pets? Here are 21 great DIYs for people who love and want to spoil their fur babies!

21 DIYs for pets and their owners who love them!

I have a serious soft spot for pet-centric DIYs. I have done quite a few DIYs for my kitties, and I love seeing them enjoy projects I’ve done for them. Now that the holidays are over, I’ve been brainstorming for some new pet DIY projects to do while the weather keeps me inside.

Today I’m sharing 22 DIYs for people who love their pets, and they are all things I would do for my own babies! So take a look through and add a few to your project list. Your pets will love you for it!

Beautiful kitty looking through a plant

1. DIY pull-out dog bowls with storage

Maggie Overby Studios designed this amazing hidden dog food storage that would look perfect in any pet-friendly home. It’s also great if you don’t want your dogs grazing on their food and want to set meal times.

DIY pull-out dog bowls with storage

2. Hidden kitty eating space

Maggie Overby Studios also turned this old furniture piece into a hidden kitty eating space, which is also perfect for households that have hungry pups who want to steal the cat food.

Hidden kitty eating space

3. DIY dog bowl stand

DIY Huntress has the build plans for this simple but gorgeous DIY stand for dog bowls. She has a ton of other amazing projects you need to check out, too. Very talented!

DIY dog bowl stand

4. Trendy dog leash

This trendy customized dog leash from Craft and Tell is definitely a bit extra, and I’m a fan of that. I love going over the top for all of my pet accessories. Learn how she updates this leash!

Trendy DIY dog leash

5. DIY hidden litter box furniture

Hidden litter boxes don’t work for all kitties (mine included, sadly), but if your kitty will do their business in a hidden litter box, check out this DIY hidden litter box furniture from A Design Story! Perfect for smaller spaces where you need to coexist with your kitty’s litter box.

DIY hidden litter box furniture

6. Hand-stamped dog tags

Dream a Little Bigger made these cute hand-stamped tags for her doggies, and they are adorable! Learn how to make similar tags for your fur babies with her tutorial.

Hand-stamped dog tags

7. Dog bed with storage

If you have big dogs who love to lounge, you must check out this adorable DIY dog bed that Uncookie Cutter made for her pups. It also has hidden storage.

DIY dog bed with storage

8. Simple DIY cat scratching post

Dream a Little Bigger made this simple cat scratching post for her kitties, and I love the two-tone sisal rope. This cat scratcher would look gorgeous in any room!

simple DIY cat scratching post

9. Repurposed hanging cat scratcher

I love repurposed items, so I love how Sadie Seasongoods repurposed an older piece to turn it into an adorable hanging cat scratcher.

Repurposed hanging cat scratcher

10. Ikea Rast Dogbed Hack

A good Ikea hack always gets my attention, and this is no exception. I love this Ikea Rast dresser hack from Our House Now a Home—she turned the bottom into a dog bed!

Ikea Rast Dogbed Hack

11. Felt Emoji Cat Toys

I love this felt cat toy project from Dream a Little Bigger because it is easy for anyone to do. You can sew it by hand, and felt is very easy to work with!

DIY Felt Emoji Cat Toys

12. Desk leg scratching posts

Engineer Your Space made incredibly easy cat scratching posts by wrapping desk legs with sisal rope. I have thought about doing this with my kitties, especially while working from home!

DIY desk leg cat scratching posts

13. Natural DIY cat toys

Prodigal Pieces made these adorable veggie cat toys for her kitties. How cute is that little carrot?

DIY cat toys

14. DIY window perch cat bed

We used to have a version of a window perch cat bed that we just got off of Amazon, and the cats loved it! The DIY Showoff made this DIY one that I’d love to try (our version from Amazon sadly broke after a few years).

DIY window perch for kitties

15. Indestructible dog toy

Not only can you use old t-shirts for this project, but Fake Ginger also says it’s indestructible! It looks pretty solid to me 🙂

DIY dog toy from old t-shirts

16. Hidden kitty litter box

Another hidden kitty litter box from Ikea Hackers—and this one has space for a kitty litter mat to stop tracking, too!

hidden litter box DIY

17. Raised cat feeder DIY

My sleek raised cat feeder is a simple DIY that you can do to make your kitty’s mealtime just a bit more pleasant. I also like how it keeps the bowls from moving around—I swear that my cats can push a small bowl clear across the room.

DIY raised cat feeder

18. DIY cat tree made of real branches

My DIY cat tree made of real branches is one of my favorite projects of all time! It’s a time-consuming DIY, but it’s so worth it. Several years later and it’s still in our living room looking lovely and being used daily.

cat tree made out of real branches

19. DIY cat condo using Ikea tables

If the homemade cat tree using real branches is too much of a DIY for you right now, you can always make a DIY can condo using Ikea Lack tables! This is a much simpler DIY that kitties still love.

DIY can condo made using Ikea Lack tables

20. DIY cat house side table

My DIY cat house side table is also a great way to give your kitty a secret place to hide that is also a beautiful piece of furniture. You can grab my free build plans to make one for yourself!

DIY cat house side table

21. Modern DIY cat scratching post

A modern DIY cat scratching post is also a great way to keep your kitty’s claws busy! I made this project several years ago because I wanted something that looked pretty in my living room 🙂

DIY cat scratching post

22. Windowsill cat lounger

And finally, my most recent pet project—a windowsill cat perch. My cats are about as nosy as you’d expect, so they love laying in the window and keeping their eye on the neighborhood. Especially if the window is open!

window perch

Pin these 22 DIYs for pets!

collage that says 22 diy projects for pets with images of some of the projects

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  1. Kendra says:

    The entire staff loves your blog! We really love some of these ideas. Really liked the Ikea dog bed hack and especially the pull-out pet bowls. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Larissa ~ Prodigal Pieces says:

    This was so fun to see! Love all the ideas I glea.ned and can’t wait to give them a try.

  3. Julie McNeill says:

    I LOVE the dog bed w/storage! That would be PERFECT for Jasmine. We could put it right in front of “her” window, make it look tasteful and make it part of my living room makeover! The challenge would be keeping the kitties out out of it. We would have to make it big enough to hold all of them!!

  4. April R - Uncookie Cutter says:

    Great roundup Brittany! Some of those projects are amazing. Thanks for including me!

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